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EFAT or “The EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF ART THERAPY for Individual Practitioners and Professional Associations”
A significant step towards greater collaboration and learning across the field

We are proud to announce that the notarial deed for the constitution of the EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF ART THERAPY (EFAT) has been signed in Brussels on Thursday, 12th April 2018 by art therapists from 27 different European countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK).
EFAT will be officially registered as an International Non-Profit Association (AISBL) after obtaining the royal decree signed by the Belgian King. This procedure may take a few months. In the meantime, the temporary Board of EFAT, which will step down to make way for democratic elections at the first General Assembly, and the working groups of NEAT (Network of European Art Therapists) will continue to work for the realization of a functioning organization.

Members of the Temporary Board
* Maria d’Elia (LU) – President
* Dominik Havsteen-Franklin (UK) – Vice President
* Natacha Pirotte (BE) – Secretary-general
* Tanaïs Verbist (BE) – Treasurer
* Nada Ivanovic (HR) – Member
* Irina Katz-Mazilu (FR) – Member

Spread the word! More information will follow in time!
The EFAT Work Group and NEAT’s coordinators

*PHOTO: Maria d’Elia (LU), Tanaïs Verbist (BE), Dominik Havsteen-Franklin (UK), Natacha Pirotte (BE), Jan Vandromme (BE), Elza Strazdina (LV), Britt Bernard (LU), Thijs de Moor (NL), Irina Katz-Mazilu (FR)

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