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New! Journal of Arts Therapies

It is our pleasure to announce the “Journal of Arts Therapies (JAT) – Journal of Art-, Music-, Dance-, Drama-, and Poetry Therapy” — the new open access online outlet for your research publications. We would like to invite your input.

Submissions to JAT may include research articles, review articles, project reports, as well as discussion papers on creative arts therapies, arts in medicine and psychotherapy, as well as arts and health (in English or German). Submissions employing the entire spectrum of methodologies in the arts therapies are welcome, from evidence-based medicine and quantitative research, through research on therapeutic factors and clinical mechanisms, observational studies, qualitative research, case studies, and arts-based research. We advocate participatory and ethically reflected research principles.

(Instructie van de BVCT-ABAT vzw:) Ga naar deze website: (zelf intikken in jouw zoekbalk, niet doorklikken) 

klik door naar ‘Journals’ 

zoek in de lijst ‘GMS Journal of Arts Therapies – Journal of Art-, Music-, Dance-, Drama- and Poetry-Therapy’

JAT is edited by the Scientific Society for Creative Arts Therapies, Germany (WFKT e.V.). It is published on the publicly funded open access platform of the German Medical Sciences (GMS), enabling us to keep very reasonable rates compared to other open access publishers (see webpage). In case of any questions, contact us at:

If you would like to suggest suited editorial board members, we are happy to hear from you.

We hope that you will use JAT as a future outlet, and are happy to receive your submissions.

Best wishes,

for the editorial team,

Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Ostermann and Jörg Oster

P.S.: Please spread the word to your colleagues and pass this information on to your networks.


Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Sabine C. Koch (she her hers)

Director of RIArT, Professor for Empirical Research in the Arts Therapies


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